Sunday, August 23rd to Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Day 384-387
Miles Traveled: 0
Total Miles Traveled: 5831

   After the beautiful sunset the evening prior, we had hoped for a good marine weather forecast.
brilliant sunset at Petoskey

  Unfortunately, Sunday did not bring good travel conditions.  Neither did Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.  We spent Sunday relaxing aboard and taking walks around the town and on some of the bike paths to pass the time.

  Monday brought wind, rain, and cold weather.  However, the day did have a bit of sunshine arrive - Angie's mother drove up for a visit with one of her mother's girlfriends.  They arrived just before dinner and we enjoyed a great meal at Duffy's Garage.  We spent the rest of the evening visiting in the nice lobby of the hotel where they were staying.

  Tuesday, we spent site-seeing with them around Petoskey and nearby Charlevoix.  We also fit in a trip to WalMart to get some additional groceries in preparation for our upcoming departure that we hoped would occur.

  Wednesday was another relaxing day aboard.  Much time was spent reviewing the weather forecasts and praying for a departure the following morning.

  A common view over the past several days was the water crashing over the breakwall.  We hoped that scene would disappear indicating the waves had subsided enough for travel.
waves crashing over the breakwall at Petoskey, MI